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resources:games [2011/06/10 19:09]
Gillian Smith created
resources:games [2011/06/16 23:28] (current)
Gillian Smith
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 ====== Analyzed Games ====== ====== Analyzed Games ======
-This page lists all of the games we have analyzed. Each individual game page provides information about what quest and level design patterns we have identified in them, and any worked examples from them.+This page lists all of the games we have analyzed. Each individual game page provides information about what quest and level design patterns we have identified in them, and any worked examples from them. Most of the games are generally considered to be western RPGs, although some patterns apply to games in other, related genres.
-  * [[games:​morrowind|Elder Scrolls IV: Morrowind]]+{{pagequery>​@games;​title;​sort=a}} 
resources/games.1307732977.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/06/10 19:09 by Gillian Smith
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