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patterns:tavern [2011/07/09 07:34] (current)
Gillian Smith created
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 +A tavern is an area that is usually accessible from [[patterns:​city|cities]] where the player can learn information about the goings-on in town, receive quests from other NPCs, and safely rest to regain strength, health, and magic abilities.
 +   * [[games:​me|Mass Effect]], there is a nightclub in the Citadel (a [[patterns:​city]]) called Flux, which serves as a meeting area for many NPCs. The player can receive a number of quests from this location.
 +=====Related Patterns=====
 +  * [[patterns:​nucleus]]:​ A tavern is a special kind of nucleus
 +  * [[patterns:​city]]:​ Taverns are located within cities
 +=====Quest-Level Relationship=====
 +Taverns are common places to meet other NPCs who can either join the player'​s party or give out quests.
 +{{tag>​level:​physicalarea games:me}}
patterns/tavern.txt · Last modified: 2011/07/09 07:34 by Gillian Smith
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